According to the London Evening Standard, the renowned British grocer Fortnum & Mason, often branded as the “Grocer of the Royal Family”, is currently looking at opportunities to do business in China, India and the Middle East. This international development has come to light after Fortnum & Mason posted their first profits since 2005. According to Beverly Aspinall, Managing Director of Fortnum & Mason, doing business in Chinais part of a long term strategy to promote and sell the company’s luxury products on new markets.
China is probably one the most attractive destinations for Fortnum & Mason, mainly because of the country’s tea-drinking culture and the interest in their luxury products. Fortnum & Mason is already selling its famous tea, jams and other delicacies in Japan and in the US, and it sells its products to the countless tourists visiting London from around the globe.
This move to China will be an important event as it will be the first time Fortnum & Mason tries to settle outside the UK since the short lived attempt to open a store in New York City in the early part of the 20th century. Some may wonder how this archetypal British institution will overcome the huge differences that exist between the two countries and adapt to the Chinese cultural and business environment.
Doing business in China can be challenging for unprepared organisations. The presence of really strong Chinese cultural values like the importance of relationships, the constant search for harmony, the obsession of keeping “face” and the predominance of the group over individuals can create cultural pitfalls and challenges for a western company doing business in China. Organisations like Fortnum & Mason doing business in China must understand and respect the unique cultural preferences and expectations of Chinese customers to avoid costly faux pas, poor customer service or cultural misunderstandings that would potentially harm the company’s brand image.
Despite the potentially challenging cultural differences a western company like Fortnum & Mason may face, China remains an attractive market with lots of potential. Cross cultural awareness training courses like Doing Business in China can help Fortnum & Mason harness the true potential of the Chinese market by giving them the knowledge and skills they need to adapt their products and customer service to the expectations of their Chinese customers.
Cross cultural awareness courses can help Fortnum & Mason take the right first step and make the best impression when doing business in China. With the right cross cultural training and support, Fortnum & Mason should find success in the Chinese market and the Chinese will be able to enjoy the authentic and fine taste of British culture through Fortnum & Mason luxury tea and products.
© Communicaid Group Ltd. 2010
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Post tags: chinese cultural core values, Chinese customers, Doing Business in China, Fortnum & Mason, Selling across Cultures, working with the Chinese
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